Learn more about Commercial Insights LLC
We approach the subject from two sides. Firstly, from the advisory angle, helping agencies expand opportunities through a common framework of competencies across industries, and secondly, from the job seeker's perspective.
Stefania Dinklage, Brad Mueller, and Patrick O. Connelly together form Commercial Insights, a globally recognized team of experts that maximize the efficiency of workforces and return businesses to profitability. We help governments, companies, and employment agencies step into the future with what already lies under their feet. We'll open doors to the future of labor allocation, and that future is now.
Stefanie Dinklage
Stefanie's diverse career extends over two decades, seven languages, and success in both academic and business environments. Early concentration in the hospitality industry provided insight into leadership, management, and human resources development. After obtaining an advanced degree in Business and Behavioral Psychology, she began consulting in the Shared Services industry, where she gained a deep understanding of the complete business cycle.
Stefania achieved targeted knowledge of developing critical human resources necessary to succeed in both public and private enterprises throughout Europe. Her work became the topic of several published articles promoting the rethinking of the traditional methodologies to assess talent and recruitment. In addition, her book [BOOK TITLE] guides a common competency framework and more efficient use of human resources.
Brad Mueller is a globally recognized leader in Business Turnarounds, Startups, Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestment, and Profitability. He has diverse and international experience in executive level management and twenty years of proven P & L results. Brad has helmed three start-ups in the USA and Korea and has negotiated joint ventures, customer contracts, and major supplier agreements. He is a true entrepreneur.
Brad Mueller
Patrick O. Connelly
Patrick O. Connelly has been in global trade and risk management manufacturing for four decades, splitting his time as an executive and university professor. His expertise extends to developing successful business processes in challenging markets such as the People's Republic of China and Southeast Asia.
The traditional method for selecting and evaluating candidates for new positions within employment offices and placement agencies does not match the shape of the future of work.
That’s why we developed a perspective of ‘Commercial Insights’ that looks beyond traditional competency definitions. Whether someone is competent or not has been largely a comparison of persons in the same field. Yet, other disciplines that have excess workers may use 80% of the same competencies used in a category that’s starving for workers. The only way for us to serve both the unemployed and employers is to quantify the inner wisdom of someone’s ability to rise above him/herself in becoming competent, where it feels not yet comfortable. The responsibility lies with oneself.
Our research-backed Commercial Insights approach solves this problem for government employment offices and staffing agencies. We have developed an Artificial Intelligence system that can assess the accurate competencies of individuals beyond employment history.
It is easy to compare one against the other in terms of competencies was in the current system. However, our population and work processes have grown beyond the current system of skills-sets and comparisons against each other and instead focuses on an individual’s competencies. Along with their desire and willingness to stretch their abilities. By looking beyond degree, position, title and considering all possible experience a worker has developed for themselves, we can uncover hidden strengths and strategies that allow for better, faster, and more targeted recruitment and placement.
We offer more than a resume search. Our research findings and development of software technology based on it provide a transformative and groundbreaking new approach to long-sought solutions in the field of workforce training, utilization, and retainment; what we have developed promises to upend the entire Global system of employment itself. Prepare for the future of work with Commercial Insights.
Our research has shown that businesses, government agencies, staffing offices, and even universities see a fundamentally fractured employment system across the board. Moreover, universities and governments design curriculum and make funding decisions around this same broken system leading to a world where competent workers remain pigeonholed by the previous work history, even though so many competencies are transferable in today's economy. At the same time, businesses remain unable to fill necessary positions.
Job placement and processing methods in place today are designed for a world that hasn't existed for almost three decades. This system can only analyze what a resume includes, such as employment history, degrees of education, and service records. It's a system that can only look at John Smith, whose job was made redundant at Insurance Company A, and see if Insurance Company B, C, and D are hiring for that same position. If they aren't, John Smith sits at home and collects unemployment money.
What if unemployment agencies, staffing offices, and job search sites could evaluate a candidate's comprehensive competencies beyond what arbitrary position is on their resume? What if there was a system capable of extrapolating the actual abilities that John Smith learned and developed at Insurance Company A? It would recognize those competencies to be transferable to not only Insurance Company B, but also at Finance Capital A, Construction Company A, and Production Company A?
Commercial Insights has developed proprietary data systems to do just that. Our research led us to conclude that what is needed and, what we provide, is a paradigm shift that deprioritizes the focus on the functions served by an employment candidate during his previous employment and focuses on the processes in which he took part.
However, while a person's work history may list positions in Marketing, Accounting, and Sales, the companies they were a part of actually operated based on processes. Processes like Order to Cash, Supply Chain, and Procure To Pay. Through the carrying out of these processes by employees, the actual results of the business are created. Employees work as groups on projects or processes to accomplish results. Furthermore, training often occurs at the intersection of these processes and business functions. As a result, employees have to participate in many different processes throughout their careers, regardless of their position.
Amazingly, we have found that the processes are highly similar across all industries and not bespoke. Industries share many common processes resulting in a high probability of a person's competency set being applicable to more than their current industry position. Building on generally agreed result areas and competencies means that candidates for employment do not need to be limited by their job titles or previous workplaces. Competencies and abilities can work together to empower a person to build a bridge to new abilities needed for a position outside their current industry. Competencies are transferable across companies and indeed industries based on their competencies within these processes.
Like how Duolingo identifies language competencies and teaches a new language using the identified competencies as a jumping off point, our software identifies candidates' core competencies based on their likely engagement processes at work regardless of their official position.